Councillor Mark Kleinschmidt, Ward 60, Lansdowne
We are grateful for the South African Social Security Agency grants by government to our indigent and the most vulnerable in our communities.
I thank all good Samaritans and those exercising the spirit of generosity and ubuntu, for supplementing those non-governmental organisations and ordinary South Africans with their outreach programmes of food parcels and essentials.
No one needs to go to bed hungry, and especially during the holy month of Ramadaan, our Muslim community go the extra mile in supporting the less fortunate.
The Covid-19 pandemic catastrophe has been an opportunity for the haves to reach out to the have-nots in our society where much disparity prevails.
Shukran, thank you, baie dankie and enkosi for the exemplary manner of feeding and supporting the hungry.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said that the worst kind of disease is poverty.
Nkosi Sikelile iAfrika. God bless you.