Mark Kleinschmidt, Ward
60 councillor, Lansdowne
I conducted a site visit to several schools in Ward 60, and can attest to the hard work and preparedness by principals and staff to ensure their school community’s safety as the balance of pupils return.
I went through the routine of being screened, having my temperature and my hands and feet sanitised, and completing the Covid-19 register in the school’s reception area, before permission was granted to proceed to the principal.
School management teams devised a roster for only half of the pupils to attend two days of the school week, and the other half to attend for another two days so that there was adequate physical distancing.
I applaud the innovative and creative methods schools have found to prevent Covid-19 spreading.
Under such trying and challenging conditions, I want to thank all educators, including pre-schools, for going the extra mile to keep our “precious cargo” safe.
I implore those parents who can to pay their school fees.
To all involved in education, your pedagogical ethic and selflessness are appreciated. May God bless and protect you.