DA councillor Mark Kleinschmidt, Kenwyn
The Metro DA Caucus’s decision to withdraw the motion of no confidence against mayor Patricia de Lille is indeed welcome.
However, her disciplinary hearing will proceed and be open to the media.
Since becoming a councillor after the 2014 local government elections, my conviction is to pray in the council chambers with the facility staff and fellow councillors before every caucus and full council meetings.
The power of prayer must not be undermined.
It is early days, but there prevails a renewed spirit of camaraderie and unity among councillors, with much work ahead to sow reconciliation in the Metro DA Caucus.
Praise God, and thank you to all role-players for the positive spirit, and now we can move forward collectively to get on with the business of running the City of Cape Town, and anticipate success in the forthcoming 2019 general elections.