Friends of the Liesbeek (FOL), Cormac Cullinan from Kenilworth and Lisa Reynolds from Observatory are finalists in the 10th annual Eco-Logic Awards to be held on Wednesday November 3.
This is the second year in a row that the event will be held virtually.
FOL is a finalist for the Water Conversation Award. The organisation is known for creating awareness of the importance of the Liesbeeck River as a green and blue corridor in an urban setting as well as for its conservation efforts.
Mr Cullinan and Ms Reynolds will go head to head with Matthew Cocks for the Eco-Leadership Award.
Mr Cullinan is a writer, activist, mentor and director of Cullinan and Associates, a specialist environmental law firm. He has trained and motivated several environmental attorneys over the years.
Ms Reynolds has been the CEO of the Green Building Council South Africa (GBCSA) since June last year.
Visit for more information about the awards.