The award-winning play A Man Like You will make its Cape Town debut at the Theatre Arts Admin Collective (TAAC) from Sunday May 14 to Friday May 19 at the Methodist Church Hall, corner Milton Road and Wesley Street, Observatory.
The play comes from the pen of Kenyan playwright Silvia Cassini who also directs this portrayal of two idealistic and head strong men, Patrick and Abdi.
This run of A Man Like You sees Cassini cast two new leads; Zimbabwean actors Kevin Hanssen as Patrick and Michael Kudakwashe as Abdi. Kenyan theatre stalwart Davina Leonard will reprise her roles as Elizabeth, Patrick’s wife. Kevin Mboga remains in his role as the second captor, Hassan.
Patrick is a British diplomat taken hostage by a Somali kidnapper known as Abdi. The windowless concrete room in Somalia where he is imprisoned is the setting for the poignant and thought-provoking conversations he has with his captor.
Both men defend their world views in this intense exposé of extremism, politics and religion.
This play was inspired by the events of September 21 2013, when Somali men from the terrorist group Al Shabaab opened fire on shoppers at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. At least 67 people were killed including Cape Town businessman James Thomas.
The play is not suitable for children under 16. Tickets cost R100.
From Tuesday May 16 to Friday May 19, A Man Like You will perform in a double bill with Niqabi Ninja, which starts at 7pm.
Niqabi Ninja, performed by Bianca Flanders and Loren Loubser, is an avenging Superhero, born on the streets of Cairo, who is ready to seek out and avenge every single act of harassment she has experienced at the hands of men. Tickets cost R60.
On nights where Niqabi Ninja is performed, A Man Like You will start at 8.30pm.
Tickets can be purchased online at https://
or call 021 447 3683) or email