UCT has decided to extend the suspension of classes and closure of all campuses for the rest of the week.
In a statement on Wednesday October 12, UCT spokesperson Gerda Kruger said the decision had been taken by the executive and Senior Leadership Group (SLG).
“Engagements with multiple stakeholders are continuing and the ongoing planning in order to find ways to conclude the academic year successfully is far advanced. An announcement in this regard is expected soon,” Ms Kruger said.
“Key and critical services will be provided on Thursday and Friday, eg services to students in residences (which remain open). Staff and their direct line managers are to agree on final arrangements within departments and sections. Other examples of critical services to be provided include Vula, the Student Wellness Service, the Disability Service, the Refugee Rights Unit, services in the Masingene Building, student financial aid services, student treasury services, the Campus Protection Services and critical services in the Bremner building.”
She added the Jammie Shuttle service would not be operating and the libraries would be closed on both days.