The Trafalgar swimming pool was officially reopened today, following upgrades worth R3,1 million.
The Trafalgar swimming pool has been closed for three years to accommodate the upgrades which included switching the main pool from a scum channel flow to a rim flow; removal and replacement of all the circulation pipes and upgrading of the filtration plant.
The swimming pool can accommodate 750 people and will be open daily between 10am and 5pm until the end of the Easter weekend.Â
Three lifeguards will be posted at the facility during operating hours.
Mayoral committee member for community services and health, Dr Zahid Badroodien, said: “We have yet to hit the peak of summer, so there is still plenty of good weather on the way for visitors to enjoy the new-look facility.”
The opening of Trafalgar swimming pool brings the number of facilities open to the public to 30.
Bellville, Elsies River, Newlands, Parow Valley and Ravensmead swimming pools will not be operational this season due to extensive renovations.