Bruce Phillips, Rondebosch
Am I in the same universe? Letters in the Tatler complimenting Telkom relating to fibre service provision? (“Telkom Trolley responses”, Tatler, July 4).
I cannot believe Telkom could have offered any kind of “service”.
We have been hassling with Telkom for more than a year now – concerning our (landline) account. From April, last year, we have regularly wrote, or (tried to) phone about a so-called unpaid amount on our account; (the princely sum of R420-odd).
Emails have been ignored, chat lines have produced nothing and visits to the local branch less. Still, month after month, we have received our account.
For the past three months, these have been paying for a service that is “suspended”. We cannot and have not used the so-called service.
Telkom is a disgrace.
Telkom responds: We apologise to the customer for the inconvenience and are working to resolve this case.
Yvonne de Villiers Gillespie, Rondebosch
What would we do without the Tatler?
I am currently having problems with my internet provider, Telkom, and my bank.
Like Mr Van Wijk of Pinelands, I too was surprised at all the praise heaped on Telkom in a previous issue of the Tatler (“Help for Telkom woes”, July 11).
I have been emailing Telkom’s support section since April, complaining about their new top-up facility and have had no satisfaction.
My bank has taken a week so far to try and sort out what I consider to be a simple problem.
Thanks to Mr Van Wijk and Off my Trolley, I will now pursue my complaints with renewed vigour and hopefully resolve my problems.