Tony Brutus, Mowbray
What I learned from Mandela Day in July this year, is that no matter what their status or position in society, every one of my fellow citizens has the capacity to amaze me and to make me thankful.
Thank you for the very kind donations that the Mowbray library received from the staff of Tokai library, the UCT Research Unit and some individual residents.
They all made generous contributions of books and DVD materials to add to what is available to borrowers.
Going the extra mile, they also spent time sourcing the plastic covers and ensuring the books were in prime condition for many readers to enjoy – they spent their free time covering the books they donated.
On behalf of the community of Mowbray, we want to publicly acknowledge that you have set a powerful example of voluntary and generous action to ensure the opportunity to share, to learn and to pursue knowledge will grow and prosper at the Mowbray library.
Join us on Thursday November 30, when we will be hosting, in partnership with the City’s health services, a community health festival.
It is a feather in the cap of the librarian in charge at Mowbray library, along with her excellent team, that they facilitated a memorable and awesome Mandela Day this year.