Sunlands Primary School in Kenwyn unveiled its new Alta van Heerden Resource Centre on Tuesday January 14.
The new resource centre is named after the current principal, Alta van Heerden who has been affiliated with the school for over 40 years, and in the post of principal for 23 of those.
A plaque, unveiled by Superindentant-General of the Western Cape Education Department, Brian Schreuder, pays tribute to Ms Van Heerden for her service and commitment to the school.
Ms Van Heerden says it took five years to raise sufficient funds to build and furnish the centre.
“It took many small and big fundraising events and a lot of tight budget control to get to this point,” she said.
At the new resource centre pupils from Grade R to Grade 7 can enjoy its library, as well as their robotics and coding area where new computers will be installed in the future.
It also has a nature-inspired mural and a common area where pupils can gather and do their work. “As more finances become available or sponsorships arrive, we hope to move technology into the centre that will meet the requirements of 21st century students,” said Ms Van Heerden.
Deputy principal Samantha Murphy said she hoped this would be a happy space for pupils to relax and learn outside of the class environment.
“It will help the pupils to step up from where they are at the moment, and in this space you can see a learner spend a lot of time in this space because they start in Grade R until they leave school.”
Ward councillor and past chairman of the school governing body, Mark Kleinschmidt said he was proud of their new world class resource centre. “The school community is living up to its motto, namely, ‘Prudens Futuri’, of which the English translation is ‘Wisdom for the future’,” he said.