The residents of the Pine Road informal settlement in Woodstock have been relocated to the city’s first transitional housing facility in Pickwick Street, Salt River.
Mayoral committee member for human settlements, Malusi Booi, visited the residents while they were relocating yesterday.
“This relocation is significant as it not only marks a new chapter in the lives of the residents who have been living in the informal settlement in Pine Road, but it also paves the way for the city’s first of more than 2 000 affordable and social housing opportunities near the city centre of central Cape Town,” said Mr Booi.
The Pickwick facility is meant to provide short-term accommodation to people, who relocated from the informal settlement on the Pine Road site, which will be developed to 230 social housing opportunities.
”Security guards have been deployed to both sites. Leading up to today, the residents’ biometrics have been registered as part of the access control measures in place at the transitional housing site,” Mr Booi said.
The construction of the transitional housing site costs R11 million. It has 42 rooms, communal bathrooms and kitchens, as well as access control.