Claremont High School pupils held a walk to mark the International Day of Peace on Wednesday September 21.
Motorists on Main Road hooted their support, as pupils waved banners and chanted, “Hoot for peace.” There was also a peace picnic at Arderne Gardens.
The day was first celebrated in 1982 after the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution formally establishing a global peace day of ceasefire and non-violence. It is recognised by many nations, political groups, military groups, and people.
The day was celebrated with lots of enthusiasm by Claremont High’s pupils and teachers. “Having one day of peace might lead us as South Africa, and the rest of the world, to have peace for the rest of our lives,” said Grade 10 pupil Uthandile Gqoloza.
“We all want to live in a world without corruption and war. I am proud to be a part of a school that teaches us to think outside of the box and get out of our comfort zone.”
● Vineshree Naidoo is a Claremont High School pupil.