Dr Joan R Parker, Newlands
Please do not buy flowers at the traffic lights. These flowers are all stolen – from the arboretum, from private gardens, from the garden at the intersection of the M3 and Upper Bischopscourt Road and from the Upper Liesbeek River Garden (ULRG). We had five king proteas stolen on the night of Thursday July 21 from the ULRG – very disheartening.
The main flowers stolen are arums, proteas, and strelitzias.
The thieves just break off the flowers and damage the plants.
They sell at the traffic lights on the M3 at Rhodes Drive, Protea Road and Upper Bishopscourt Road and also at the Bowwood Road/Newlands Road traffic lights. There are three main perpetrators.
If people didn’t buy from them, they would stop stealing them.