Patrick Hill, Rosebank
The lack of maintenance of the Mowbray horse fountain and the unnecessary delay in repair of the Rondebosch horse fountain are a complete shame (“Fountain of worries”, Tatler, April 26).
With available photogrammetric and 3D scanning technologies, existing detailed drawings, together with a number of local foundries, there should be little reason for the long delay in repairing the Rondebosch fountain.
The idea of relocating the historical Mowbray fountain because it might get knocked down is totally asinine. This is clearly a case of treating the symptoms rather than the cause.
An adequate appropriately attractive guardrail could be installed. More important would be some speed bumps along Durban Road from the Rondebosch Common to Liesbeek Parkway, where taxis and buses race along at frightening speeds.
How nobody has been injured at the inadequate Fat Cactus pedestrian crossing is a miracle.