The Rotary Club of Claremont is one of the largest Rotary clubs in the world and prides itself in the substantial difference it makes in the community.
As an example, its Injongo project is one of the biggest of its kind in South Africa, transforming run-down educare centres in Philippi into beautiful and sustainable places of learning. Ian Robertson, outgoing president of the club, attributes the success of these community initiatives to relationships between Claremont Rotary, other Rotary clubs and Rotarians worldwide.
He handed over the presidency of the club to Liz Rose on Saturday June 24.
“Relationships have been the cornerstone of everything we do,” says Mr Robertson.
“Through partnerships with the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust (CTCTT) and donations from the club directly, almost R 2.5 million has been channelled to other Rotary clubs in Rotary District 9350 (Western Cape, Namibia and Angola) during the 2016/2017 financial year.
Ms Rose, as new president of the Rotary Club of Claremont, will be looking to keep the momentum going by focusing on initiatives that centre on early childhood development, vulnerable people (children, the elderly and the disabled) and the environment.
Ms Rose joined Claremont Rotary in 2005 after having worked as a community nurse for 25 years. She wanted to address the desperate needs of communities in a more holistic manner.
“Rotary ticks all the boxes. Its initiatives are worthwhile; it is an international organisation; and membership carries numerous benefits,” says Ms Rose.
For more information on Rotary Club of Claremont and the various community projects and initiatives they are involved with, you can visit or find them on Facebook at