Daroel Ielm Institute, in Pope Street, Salt River, kicked off its lecture series titled “The life and legacy of Imam Abdullah Haron” on Monday July 1 at 8pm.
Imam Haron was an anti-apartheid activist who died 123 days after he was held in detention at Caledon Square police station,on September 27 1969. Various events across the city are being held in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his death.
On Monday, Imam Isam-eel Davids, from Crawford, led a short prayer meeting and spoke about continuing the imam’s legacy and vision for the future.
Anglican priest and social justice activist Father Michael Lapsley will be speaking on Monday July 8; Imam Dr Rashied Omar, research scholar of Islamic Studies and Peacebuilding at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame and co-ordinating imam at the Claremont Main Road Mosque, will be speaking on Monday July 15; Jaamia Galant, social justice actvist and planning manager in the Faculty of Humanities at UCT will be speaking on Monday July 22; and Cassiem Khan, national director of Islamic Relief, will be speaking on Monday July 29.
For more information about the lecture series, email daroelielm@gmail.com