Since I introduced healthy eating habits in the first week of Ramadaan, I’ve been sticking to my guns and have included exercise and walking long distances.
Now, the new challenge will be how to continue the health buzz after Eid (“Breaking the bad boeka tradition” Southern Suburbs Tatler, May 24) .
When I hear the term Eid, I immediately think of a breakfast table spread with soutvleis or tong (corn beef or tongue) on buttered home-baked white rolls, plaat pie (pastry with steak or mince thinly layered on filling) and coconut and jam tart.
There would be no sign of oats and yoghurt.
The breakfast would be fit for an unhealthy king.
So this year our spread will stay the same but I will add my egg muffins, yoghurt with nuts and seeds and fruit on the corner of the table for those who care for a healthier option.
Although we say we intend to eat everything on the table because we are allowed to eat after fasting for 30 days, our stomachs would have shrunk and it won’t allow us to over- indulge – reminding us that it is Eid not Eat.
The Eidul Fitr celebration marks the end of Ramadaan and the period of reflection, repentance and charity.
Eid is usually celebrated for three days, often with prayer services, slaawats (monetary gifts) and, of course, eating lekker stuff.
Well, I have decided to break the bad Eid tradition and have a healthy brekkie, lunch and for dessert, healthy biscuits – despite biscuits being my weakness.
If I start eating them, I don’t stop at three… I love biscuits, especially Romany creams and those jam and coconut hertzoggies.
However, too many biscuits can lead to diabetes and instead of giving in to my desire to get that sugar rush, I try my best to prevent illnesses by making replacement treats.
This time I tried coconut flour biscuits with honey and coconut oil. I decorated them with dark chocolate chips and you can also add almonds to give them a crunch.
For breakfast, I tried egg muffins and for these you can add bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach or cheese. Remember to spice them up with pepper and salt and even masala.
Eid lunch will comprise boud (leg of lamb), breyani and the infamous crayfish curry in our home which I refuse to substitute.
I also know that seafood is better than red meat, which is usually cooked in breyanis and curries. But I will stick to my penchant for crustacean curry. Yum…
While food is the main focus on Eid, the six days of Shawwal will follow. Although it is not obligatory to fast those days, you will be rewarded. Women usually make up for the days they did not fast during Ramadaan due to menstruation.
I will fast then, and after that, get back to exercise to support my good eating habits.
If it was tough to change your eating habits this Ramadaan, continue trying and experiment with healthy recipes during the year.
So by next year you will be ready for a healthy Ramadaan.
I hope all Muslims enjoy their
Eid with family and friends. Eid mubarak.