Groote Schuur Hospital opened its new breastfeeding room on Thursday August 29, for female staff returning from maternity leave.
Sister Sophie Davids from the hospital’s maternity centre says this new breastfeeding room will increase productivity at work.
“It will decrease absenteeism and will ensure a happy and relaxed employee that will provide the best for her baby while securing an income,” she says.
Christine Knight, who is a nurse in the neonatal unit in the hospital, who is expressing milk for her
baby and is pregnant with another child, says this new room will provide more comfort for herself and other mothers when expressing milk.
“I used to express milk in the staff room, it was beneficial but uncomfortable, there was no privacy,” she said.
This breastfeeding room has two comfortable couches for mothers to sit on as well as a table to stow their bags on and a wash basin.
Nicolette Henney, assistant
director in the provincial Department of Health’s nutritional programme, says that mothers returning from maternity leave have a right to breastfeed and express milk.
“I congratulate the hospital for taking the step to support your own people, in creating a space where breastfeeding can take place, not only for your patients but for your workers as well.”