Police have warned Guy Fawkes revellers that being foolhardy with fireworks on Saturday November 5 could spark tragedy.
Reckless use of fireworks can cost someone a limb or their eyesight or cause fires.
Sergeant Hilton Malila, spokesperson for the Woodstock police, said serious injury or damage to property could occur, and it was illegal for shops to sell fireworks if they were not licensed to do.
“It is also highly illegal for these small businesses or tuck shops to be selling fireworks. If people are aware of this happening, they must report it to the police station and we will come down hard on these businesses,” he said.
The police say there are several precautions revellers must take:
Only buy fireworks from shops that are licensed displaying “Dealer in Fireworks” signs, as these comply with the relevant sections of the Explosives Act.
Some of the illegal fireworks are identifiable by names such as Indian Kings, Classic Foils, Square Bombs, and Cherry Bombs.
Minors using fireworks must do so under adult supervision of adults.
Fireworks must be used in designated areas, and never in crowded areas or
The police have urged the public to report any illegal use or sale of fireworks and also to consider that fireworks cause animals considerable distress.