Dr Joan R Parker, Bishopscourt Village
This is a passionate request to all those motorists who buy flowers from the informal traders at traffic lights – in particular at the intersections of the M3 with Rhodes Avenue, Paradise Road and Upper Bishopscourt Road – please don’t.
These flowers have been stolen from the Upper Liesbeek River Garden (ULRG), from the Arboretum and from residents’ verges in the area.
We, who have toiled for 15 years in the Upper Liesbeek River Garden for the benefit of the public at large are once again devastated by the wilful removal of six king proteas and the denuding of the yellow pincushion
Not to mention the arums and other flowers which are routinely picked.
Please think of the flowers and of those who plant and maintain public open spaces and please don’t encourage the theft of flowers which we all wish to admire in their own habitat.