Rat-running delivery trucks are damaging a suburban road in Claremont, say residents.
The trucks are ignoring a no-entry sign for “delivery and goods vehicles” that is posted for the road.
Robert Heiberg, of Garfield Road, said the trucks – some loaded with bricks and cement — had been using the road for more than a year.
Residents say the trucks drive from Hamilton Road, make a turn into Brevet Road and then another turn into Garfield Road, ignoring the no-entry sign for “goods and delivery vehicles” on the corner of Imam Haron and Garfield roads.
There’s a similar sign at the other end of Garfield Road, where it meets Ave De Mist.
While the Tatler was there, on Tuesday morning, at least four trucks drove through Garfield Road, and one of them climbed the kerb.
At least 15 trucks had used the road the day before, Mr Heiberg said.
Residents say the trucks climb the kerb on the corner of Brevet and Garfield roads, damaging it and the gutter as they make the tight turn into the narrow residential street.
Lance O’Connor, who has lived on the corner for six years, says broken bits of cement and other hard debris from the damaged road ends up on his verge. He fears his lawnmower will break if he mows it.
Mr O’Connor said he heard the trucks passing his home on Saturday mornings.
According to residents and Ward 58 councillor Sharon Cottle, the City fixed the road two months ago, but four weeks later it was already showing damage. Ms Cottle said Mr Heiberg and City officials were due to meet today,Thursday October 18, to discuss the issue.
The City did not respond to questions by the time this edition went to print.