The public has until Monday September 20 to comment on a City proposal to demolish an old clinic in Woodstock to make way for a housing project.
The dilapidated building at 45 St James Street, a City property, lies behind barbed wire and a wall topped with spikes. It was a satellite clinic until it closed in the late 90s, according to Dr Zahid Badroodien, mayoral committee member for community services and health.
The site is earmarked for “affordable housing”, according to Malusi Booi, mayoral committee member for human settlement.
“The City has commissioned consultants to undertake a rezoning application on its behalf,” he said.
There had also been public engagements on a heritage application, Mr Booi said.
St James Street residents approached by the Tatler declined to comment.
Comments can be sent to City heritage consultant Bridget O’Donoghue at or call 071 109 0900. Or post them to Postnet Suite 122, Private Bag X1005, Claremont 7735, Cape Town. A copy of the application can be obtained from Ms O’Donoghue.