The Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association celebrated its 70th anniversary at the Village Centre in Claremont on Saturday.
Its chairman, Noor Osman, said the day was one of appreciation, celebration and reflection. It had taken 70 years of sacrifice and dedication to build the organisation to where it was today.
“We stood on the shoulders of good leaders who left a legacy that we have built on. We also have to be mindful of our staff, and we thank them for their hard work to keep the organisation functioning and functioning well. We also have to thank our donor community who carried us diligently with their financial aid and gifts.”
Mr Osman reassured donors that every rand the association received was stretched and used for its intended purpose.
“Today we simply want to say thank you and show you how much we appreciate your support.”
Treasurer Osman Shaboodien also thanked donors, saying: “Our biggest challenge in these uncertain economic times is how we are going to make it to the end of the month, and we are not immune to this. People in our organisation are struggling, but your generosity has helped to tip the scales.”
Mr Shaboodien said the association had very dedicated staff who had been with it for 15 years even though they were not being paid what they truly deserved.
Fatima Shaboodien, principal of De Heide Special Care Centre, reflected on how the association had taken root in 1952 with the purpose of opening the Vista Nova school to support children with cerebral palsy.
“As an association we are and have always been open to learning and engaging with other academics and organisations on best practices. We have come a long way but there is still a long way to go when it comes to inclusion and the stigma attached to people with disabilities.”
Guests ended the day with a light lunch while the Brothers Cultural Group performed.