The article “Muslim runners may have to miss Comrades” (Tatler, May 4) refers.
Come on, guys. I
shake my head in disbelief of what really matters to some people in what they take time to complain about today – and also so publicly.
The Comrades Marathon, a prestigious international event has been going for 82 years successfully and is now marred by complaints.
Why now must religion be brought into this, and how on earth can the organisers possibly consider every human being participating?
The date will always not suit everyone for a host of various reasons. Remember you make the choice if it suits you or not.
We do this every day of our lives, or am I missing something? I thought religion was about sacrificing certain things in life which may be a temptation or a distraction to keep you strong in your faith.
Maybe people no longer want to give up things any more to make themselves better people and would rather have it all.
Is it better to blame others than exercise your own self discipline?
Shame on you. Let this event please be a happy achievement, unfettered by politics and religion as one of the few things left to enjoy in South Africa without either.
Good luck and warm wishes to all our participating runners.