Sans Souci Girls’ High school received a yellow bench last Tuesday August 23 as part of a project to encourage pupils to share their problems with each other.
The bench offers pupils a refuge where they can talk about their problems. It is part of the Kind Heart Bench Project, which is the brainchild of Bradley Bailey.
“The Kind Heart Bench Project is for pupils to start the conversations amongst peers and teachers. It’s about being a voice for each other to promote a society that cares,” he said.
Mr Bradley received support from a Woodstock timber company, which supplied the wood for the bench, and an Ottery building contractor that built it.
As part of the project, peer counsellors chosen for each grade will lend an ear to pupils who want to talk about any problems they have at school, including bullying and issues with school work.
“Issues like bullying and mental health are not spoken about often at school amongst teenagers and this project will given them a opportunity to open up with the peer counsellors,” said matric peer counsellor She-ilah Motale
Sheerein Jafferi, another matric peer counsellor, said pupils were under a lot of pressure at the moment as they prepared for their exams.
“Sometimes the pupils may not even open up at home easily with the problems they encounter and this bench will be a safe place where they can relax and calm down,” said.
Acting School principal Shirley Humphreys praised the initiative, saying it would help the school address mental health issues.
“We have pupils trained as peer counsellors to assist the pupils to stand together and to grow a caring school community,” she said.
Other schools which would like to be part of The Kind Heart Bench Project can call Mr Bailey at 071 962 0693 or email