Trafalgar High School matriculant Ammaarah Creighton wrote her matric exams while she and her family struggled through a tough year of being homeless.
Against all odds, she achieved a Bachelor’s pass, which allowed her to enrol at university.
She was approached by Mancosa private higher education institution and offered a study bursary.
Ammaarah, 18, has also been offered a part-time job by Mancosa while she studies for a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
“The final year of schooling was a real struggle. Both my parents were unwell and unemployed.
“I also have a 22-year old sister and an eight-year old brother. We were forced to move from one house to another. Presently we live in a converted garage in Salt River,” said Ammaarah.
She said her parents had always insisted that she must have faith in a higher power and must never give up.