■ With the help of family, friends and many other contributors, PPG Movement, a non-profit organisation based in Mitchell’s Plain, collected 370 602 bottle tops for recycling and with the proceeds they could donate two wheelchairs – one to Red Cross Children’s Hospital and the other to St Joseph’s Home. PPG member Deidre Solomon and her son Ethan came up with the idea to collect the bottle tops and efforts started in all earnest in February. On Saturday November 5, the organisation donated the wheelchairs. Pictured are the children from the organisation, at the back, from left, Amber Booysen, 13, from Parkhurst Primary School in Westridge, Devon-Lee Bruyns, 11, also from Parkhurst Primary; in the middle are Erin Heeger, 12, from The Grove Primary School in Claremont; Erin-Leigh Bruyns, 6, from Parkhurst Primary; Ethan Solomon, 8, Bergvliet Primary; Lexis Bruyns, 7, Groote Schuur Primary School in Rondebosch; Kairo Arendse, 5, from House of Knowledge Montessori in Westridge and in front are Jared Heeger, 9, from The Grove Primary and Josh Heeger, 4, from Rondebosch United Play School. For more information about PPG Movement and their projects, email info.ppgmovement@gmail.com or find them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pg/PPGMovement