SACS is staging Gilbert and Sullivan’s popular comic opera The Pirates of Penzance – the first time this has been performed at the school since 1982 – on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday March 15, 16 and 17.
This frolicsome piece tells the story of a young man irregularly apprenticed to a rather inept band of pirates. The fact that he was born on February 29 raises questions about his legal age, creating all kinds of hilarity involving a “bevy of beautiful maidens”, some terrified policemen and a major-general.
All the male parts/chorus roles are played by SACS boys, with girls drawn from Springfield, Sans Souci, Westerford and Rustenburg.
The musical accompaniment is provided by the SACS High Concert Band.
Each performance starts at 7pm. For more information, or to book, email Sarah Townes at or you can buy tickets in the foyer during break.
Entry is R40 for adults and R20 for children.