Life, directed by Tara Notcutt, is the new stand-up comedy show from multi-award winning comedian Rob van Vuuren that will run at the Baxter Golden Arrow Studio from Tuesday May 3 to Saturday May 28.
Following the critically acclaimed, WhatWhat, Van Vuuren turns his comedic scalpel to the meaning of life itself and dissects the kind of questions that reveal the mysteries of existence.
He asks some pertinent questions, like “How do you get a five-year-old to school on time?” and “Why does the wi-fi say ‘always on’ when it never is?”
Following a recent run in with a motivational speaker, Van Vuuren began to question his own purpose in life and has subsequently allowed the comedic cynic in him to run rampant.
Life runs Mondays to Saturdays, at 8.15pm, at the Baxter Golden Arrow Studio. Tickets cost R100 with special discounts available for senior citizens, students and group bookings. The show has a parental guidance (PG) rating of 16. Book through Computicket.